Verslas2024 m. Rugsėjo 23 d. 08:51

Tvarumo kursas: be smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo pokyčiai nebus įmanomi


Dėmesio! Komentatorių nuomonė neatspindi redakcijos nuomonės. Pasisakymai nėra redaguojami. Pažeidus taisykles, komentarai bus ištrinami.
ferrikSiūlau šalinti
2024-09-23 12:28
In any business there are ups and downs. You need to try to do the right advertising, attend events, stand out . That's what I do, for example, with the help of a printing house! They have already done a lot for me and their quality work has attracted new clients!
gablersSiūlau šalinti
2024-09-23 12:28
In any business there are ups and downs. You need to try to do the right advertising, attend events, stand out . That's what I do, for example, with the help of a printing house! They have already done a lot for me and their quality work has attracted new clients!